Book review - How to talk to anyone by Steven Hopkins
So, I’ve just read the book How to Talk to Anyone: Improve Social Skills, Gain Self-Confidence, and Boost Your Charisma to Instantly Connect With Anyone (for those who know me, yes I’m aware i talk too much already). I have to say it’s not about talk for the sake of it but to make meaningful small talk that can lead to conversations and eventually to have better relationships with people.
image from Steven Hopkins via Amazon
This is definitively the book I will recommend for those who are struggling with small talk, or maybe those who are just too introverted. The chapters in the book guide you through all the steps in engaging a conversation.
- The fear of small talk
- The first impression
- How to introduce yourself
- Conversation starters
- Topics and techniques on what to say
- How to end a conversation gracefully
And so on… by applying the tips and advices from the author you will feel that there are things absurdly easy to do and maybe think ‘Is it really that simple?’ Give it a try if you can and read it.