The very beginning

Trying to do this ‘by the book’ seems quite awkward but let’s improvise a bit…

Greetings from Veracruz, MX.

Puerto de Veracruz

Hi! My name is Rodrigo Rosas Zamudio, I pivoted my career as Tech Support to become a developer. Encouraged by necessity and empowered with a natural curiosity for how things work, I’ve got myself an opportunity at work and the job was mine (this took nearly 2 years) from that moment I am a developer.

Motivated by seeing developers on Youtube with all those fancy setups and gizmos, I’ve been learning from every site, book, blog or video I came across and well… Here I am still learning, overcoming the FOMO, battling imposter syndrome everyday and the day after, polishing my skills and improving myself to be a bit better everyday.

From now on I’ll be posting about my learning path, some book reviews I’ve been wanting to share, my personal POV on life and of course some occasional successful -or awful- experience (after all, why not?).

Thanks a lot if you’ve read this far 😊.

Written on December 2, 2022